Sitemap - 2022 - Tai Tales - Chinese Malaysian culture, weekly-ish

Tis the season to overcome writer's ennui

That thing called a writer's block

Lord help me, it's election time

Twitter Meltdown part 2: Don't fall in love with a platform

Twitter meltdown Part 1: The concerns of writers and creatives

I don't want fiction writing to be my day job

Blood of Nanking (Part 4 of 4)

Blood of Nanking (Part 3 of 4)

Blood of Nanking (Part 2 of 4)

Blood of Nanking (Part 1 of 4)

The Appointment

Welcome to Tai Tales

Tell me about yourself!

Rebirth of a newsletter

Answer these 5 questions before you choose a productivity tool

From analog to digital productivity tools

Google's Helpful Content Update: What it means for nicheless blogs

The power of unnecessary creating

My rocky adventures in investing

Book notes - Come Alive: Live a life with more meaning and joy

Content changes

Lessons from Die with Zero: Getting all you can from your money

The second life of stuff: An interview with journalist Adam Minter

My biggest financial mistake

25 things I no longer buy as an environmentally-conscious minimalist

I'm moving away from roboadvisors. Here's why.

Should you use a robo advisor?

Wahed Invest review (2022)

Hotel review: Campbell House in Georgetown, Penang

Career shifts, career downers

Stashaway Malaysia (very honest review 2022)

Kenanga Digital Investing (2022 honest review)

10 steps to paying off all your debts

The time when I was struggling with credit card debt [flashback post]

The podcast that changed my financial destiny

The guide to being a digital nomad in Penang

Saving and investing in pre-apocalyptic times

Why we need to talk about financial failures

Making peace with the biggest financial mistake of my life

Rolling stone no more