Thanks for the shout out!

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Oof. I feel this deeply. I spent a couple of hours last night going through all of the Substacks I'm subscribed to and unsubscribing from those that don't align with my goals and interests, but I'm still subscribed to over 150 (including your lovely newsletter). Now I just need to do the same thing with podcasts and books and shows and...you get the picture.

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I am glad I am not alone in this! I feel like I should support as many authors as I can, but realising that I have limits have been hard to accept. You probably feel the same 😅 Also, thank you for subscribing. I am honoured!

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Thank you for the mention, Liz, and the kind words. I've learned so much from you about how to be a good human being, you are a source of inspiration :)

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You too, Sharmila. Your can do spirit is infectious and keeps my morose side at bay :P

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Thanks for including me in your roundup.

I try to keep up with replies, but not on a daily basis. I only post a newsletter about 1-2 times a month. I like Notes, but haven't settled on a regular posting schedule. I wish there was an easy way of bookmarking a comment/reply in Substack Notes for later reply, and then being able to browse that list when I have time.

I'm a Brandon Sanderson fan too! I've been listen to some of his books via audiobooks (I get to do more reading that way) Loved his original Mistborn trilogy. Am currently reading his Skyward series.

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I did the same with Elantris & Warbreaker - I listened to an audio book while reading his books. It just makes those chonkers manageable, doesn't it? I'm tackling the gigantic Mistborn series next, and I'm like - gosh I hope I survive this hahaha.

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As a survivor of LiveJournal and Usenet, I am a firm believer in always having *something* that is as under control as I can make it. I suppose that's why I still keep a newsletter space on Tiny Letter as well as my Substack newsletter, and why I rarely draft something directly in Substack. Old habits, but they've served me well over the almost thirty years I've been on the Internet.

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Super wise, and something all of us need to remember, especially writers!

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Hi. I'm late to this but I found it interesting.

I'm sorry, but a 5-and-a-half to 10 people (out of 18 votes) is nothing for me to get excited about. Three-and-a-half people were Bored; one was Depressed about it; one-and-a-half people were Angry about it. Eighteen people don't even represent a truck stop in Texas! :) Meaning, you can't extrapolate from the result to the wider world.

What might be interesting is to now run a qualitative poll and get some insights into why people made those choices. Why are they excited/optimistic? Why are they bored? What is it about AI that makes them depressed, or makes them angry?

As a researcher I know that quantitative stats can be misleading and downright confusing. And why the answer to a question always raises more questions. So you follow where it leads until you exhaust each question's possibilities.

Take your Bored with AI question, the end of exploring the question would be when people start saying, 'I'm bored with AI because it's a tool of the reigning lizard people who just want to control planet Earth.' You can't explore that answer and expect a sensible answer.

You could then write something about it; something intriguing that maybe no one has thought of. ;) Here's to hoping you do.

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TBH I did that poll for fun lol. It's not something I did for serious research. The only thing I'm interested about AI is how it can help writers, and what we can do to manage the ill effects. Right now, unscrupulous corporate folks are trying to train AI using an artist or writer's works. This is going to have serious ramifications on the entire industry and on creativity on the whole.

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Oh, I agree. But it's my feeling that it's already out of control. My hope is that policy makers will side with humans. That sounds prejudiced/discriminatory, but AI has already done a lot of damage to creatives.

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I've finally managed to get my head set straight to reply haha. (You know how these things affect us ND folks, don't you lol) Yeah, I find it hard to accept that I can't reply to everyone. On Mastodon, I kinda gave up - and yes, it is a privilege to be spoken to and to get a reaction. I remember the days before discovering Mastodon and Substack, how sad I was that each time I wrote something, I get nothing but crickets.

Unless it's about money. Those seem to attract commenters lol.

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