Jun 22·edited Jun 22Liked by Elizabeth Tai

I thought this Substack review of 'To the Wonder' was excellent: https://substack.com/home/post/p-144720718

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I find that even if I don't seek it out there's a lot of narrative that "China Bad" manages to make its way into the stuff I watch. Much of it is born out of fearful people who treat "the other" badly. To my way of thinking they're worried that they'll be subject to the same type of treatment that they dish out.

I find however people wherever they are want to celebrate their heritage and the things they love about it and want to share that. I hope that the positive feelings override the negative ones.

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My hope too. By sharing our cultures, we remind each other that we are human 🙂

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Jun 21Liked by Elizabeth Tai

I empathize with where you’re coming from and the message you’re trying to send. There’s a saying - Before you would mend the world, mend yourself. Wise words that very few heed. It’s easier to point out the shortcomings or sins of others (individuals, tribes, countries, etc.) than addressing our own transgressions.

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Yes, exactly. I hope people can see the good in one another

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An interesting read. Thank you for sharing, Elizabeth. Non-american English voices need to be heard more (an aspect of diversity that is not mentioned enough), and also non-polarised voices with nuance— a rarity on mainstream internet or media these days.

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